Over the last year, Procorem has seen a major increase in adoption from the Real Estate Finance, Property Management, Construction, and Legal communities. With this increased adoption in mind, ProLink has made a number of new product enhancements focused on ease of use for our clients. Let’s take a look…
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In our desire to continually make our products better for our clients, we recently released two major updates to our secure, electronic portal software, Procorem – WorkCenter Linking and Linking Tasks to Files. These updates were made with ease of use in mind for our users, so that they can…
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The affordable housing mission has been described as a way to “create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all” by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, otherwise known as HUD. Together, Housing Finance Agencies (HFAs) work with Developers, Investors, and Syndicators to create affordable properties…
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The Procorem Early Access Program The past year has been quite a whirlwind for the Procorem product team and our customers. We have been growing in the number of customers and learning new and amazing ways in which people are using Procorem every day to manage core elements of their…
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Procorem Project Templates With Procorem, it is our mission to simplify and streamline project management and partner collaboration as much as possible. In a recent survey from Procorem users, one of the number one areas that they would like to see Procorem grow is around the ability to improve and…
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At ProLink Solutions, we take security very seriously. Our experience implementing solutions for clients ranging from Fortune 500 organizations, Housing Finance Agencies, syndicators, developers, among other industries, has taught us that data security is priority number one to every organization; regardless of size. Our commitment to data security acts as…
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Enterprise Task Management Today, more than ever, business collaboration relies on the effective coordination of many parties – both internal and external – to your organization. Here at ProLink Solutions, we have been wrestling with how to effectively incorporate enterprise task management into our existing document and business collaboration platform…
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In a recent blog, we talked about the power of Procorem to manage human and system processes within a single application. Much more than just a document repository or project management software, we designed Procorem to be flexible enough to grow with your business, and can easily get you started…
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Configurable Security Roles Now that tax season is behind us, we hope you have a little extra time to spend with family and friends, focus on work and of course check out our latest improvement on the Procorem platform. We have heard you and continue to invest significantly in improving…
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What is in a name? That was an important question when creating Procorem. It’s the bread and butter of what our software could do, and how people would remember us. We also had to take into consideration other businesses with similar names, spelling, length of the name, keywords, website domain…
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